Nightmarket 2006 FIN.

photography / filip
6/16-18 的夜市 2006 終於圓滿結束. 雖然只有短暫的三天, 但一切都顯得非常密集而漫長. 第一天聽完諸位來自國外與赴外留學的互動先進們的簡報之後, 下午便開始分組, 進行技術介紹與概念發展. 第二天, 隨即開始進入實作階段, 並於傍晚出各小組的 poster. 第三天, 一個 "互動夜市" 的空間雛型業已生成, 各組在不同的 partition 間向媒體與產官學界大頭們展現自己的互動裝置, 看起來就像個園遊會 (只是沒有園遊券).
作品部份, 其實相關新聞都有大略的介紹. 我想特別提的是 dAb 做了一個有趣的行動雞排裝置. 這個裝置是一台平板電腦, 螢幕上面是一塊大雞排的影像. dAb 首先會問你: "要切還是要辣?" 如果你說 "要切", 他就會在面板上用觸控筆劃上幾刀, 然後將平板傾斜做出倒出的動作, 此時畫面上的雞排就會一塊塊地落下. 二軸 sensor 接在平板電腦背板是這件作品的主要科技. 而且 dAb 還拿這個裝置去問謝長廷, 結果 dAb 在 "倒雞排" 的時候, 謝長廷先生還伸手去接...
這次的 workshop 參與者學生部份橫越元智, 台大, 交大, 成大, 台科大, 北藝, 北教大等, ...熊熊發現好像每次活動總是都看到這幾個單位. 據片面了解, 其實台灣還是有相當多正在努力或即將朝向互動藝術或互動設計的的單位, 只不過是比較低調. 衷心期盼有機會能夠認識他們.
這次的 workshop, 也非正式地和台北教育大學玩具與遊戲設計所的范丙林教授與多位研究生交面. 在 workshop 的第二天晚上, 我們還跑去他們遊戲組的研究室聊天, 看了一些他們過去做的一些 EyeToy-like, webcam-based 的互動遊戲, 都是用 C++, DirectX 刻的. 不過, 很可惜沒看到另一組玩具組的東西, 所以應該要再找個時間正式亂入一下.
很榮幸參與這次的 workshop, 能夠和台灣許多對互動藝術有熱忱的同好與青年學子們, 一起探索這塊開發中的領域. 感謝 jackie 籌劃這個 workshop, 還有忙進忙出的 ohno 和優秀的 peggy. 當然還要謝謝每一位工作人員與參與者. 至於對這個 workshop 的建議, 我的想法接近梁老師在 workshop 現場聊天時提的, 下一次或許可以把這個活動定位成一個 contest, 一個 competition. 前提是大家都是有備而來的, 已有一些成熟的概念, 只待在三天內實作完成並展示 (事實上這次的 run 法也滿像這種方式的). 希望這類型的活動, 能夠持續進行下去, 真正成為一個常態性的活動.
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Filip's Flickr Set of Nightmarket 2006 (1)
Filip's Flickr Set of Nightmarket 2006 (2)
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* 歡迎提供任何相關連結, 請寄至
* 有關活動的建議, 請寄至
感謝 @hno 發自肺腑的感言! 關於 aqua 說的活動紀錄, 其實這應該會是往後舉辦這類 workshop 極為重要的重點之一, 而且應該要是從活動的一開始就該紀錄, 並透過網路媒體做到盡可能定時地發佈各種活動進行的相關訊息, 讓未能前來參與 workshop 的人, 也能透過網路一同共襄盛舉.
huang & ohno:
發生這種事真是讓人遺憾. 現在媒體的專業早已盪然無存. 我愈發覺得需要一個自發性的, 站在民眾角度上, 非營利, 非炒作, 有理想, 不受政治控制的獨立單位, 來監督市面上的所有媒體, 告訴社會大眾一切事情的事實真象, 矯正被扭曲的報導. 當然, 做為被報導者我們也只能盡可能在短時間內把公關做好, 事情處理妥當. 總之, 大家盡力做好自己該做的事, 幹好本份. 一起努力吧!
感謝熱情的猴兄! :)
Dear all ,
It's really my pleasure to work with all of U..
I didn't expect that this interesing grouping may achieve such great ideals and projects...
Thanks U all , I did learn a lot and so inspired !
In “ Mobility in Nightmarket” group :
I was so moved after the 1st day's discussing with U all... I thought the level of creativity may only develop in other condition, location or people before.....
But,with Jorgen’s programming teaching, Chao-Chi's inspiring, your passion and creativity , we did make it so great in the end, even in just such a short are really surprising good !
I also feel very bad if the TV news report something wrong ...and they forgot to mention you others' names...
But I also have to declare several points here:
1. I never told the journalist that the project is coming from my ideal (even i did discuss with U and tried to direct it to more traumatic way and better presentation).... But, I was keeping telling them that “those projects in our team are all made by U all, I ,Jurgen and Chao-Chi were just assisting. Because we didn't want to decrease your imagination ...It has to go out of the frame of the traditional education in Taiwan"
2. I never wanted to 搶 news.....
The fact is : Those TV journalists came to " Night-Market" ,because my agency told them that i was there.. Many TVnews already followed me before Night-market’s forming…
They went there just for seeing me and reporting me in the beginning.
On the contrary: Because of my influence, I asked them to report "Night Market”. Therefore, there come out several TV news focusing on Night-Market only .... otherwise no one can see any other TVnews about "Night-Market", except 謝長廷’s news.....
By the way,中天TV and it’s 友台们 did spend hours on me and “night-market”on 6/18,too … till now ,I didn’t see their report on “Night-Market”or me yet …For the shortage of journalist on Sunday… it’s even impossible for them to waste time on us then they decided not to report it in the end … If anyone is smart enough ,U may see something here( color ? ha ).. It’s so not what I expected.. More TV news of “Nightmarket” should have been reported ,after so much effort I’ve made… I’m very disappointed about it actually...But it’s their decision…what can i do about this?
The reality in Taiwan is : People and TV care more about politics and stars , but much less on culture things....One of my job, as a design critics myself, is making people get more consciousness of Design and Art ...If anyone of U had ever read my articles in "Interior", U may know my role better. also i'm promoting all the best designers ,those who few Taiwanese know, in the world ....
Other Medium and journalist said to me , if there was no Fanny there in " Night-Market" , TVnews won't enter the exhibition .Because there were already too many political and more interesting news for them in the same day .
Also 自由時報 記者 just told me by phone 2 days ago that she had no ideal why she did take so many photos for night market2006 on many projects ,but no one of them is selected and published..... I’m not the owner of her company, and neither is she…
I have tried my best to bring the TV and big mews to Night-market…If they r still interested in me more , it’s really not my fault .Also they have their own concern for their companies and audience rating ……But please do realize I did make TV to report several successful news on “NightMarket”
3.Good News is : no matter we like the way TV reported us or not ... Since a news become a TVnews , it will always become the TVnews level !! and it will attract all the other medium so so so easily..... "Night Market already became a star now , it is the greatest success by young people in Taiwan design field than ever !!"
4. I did feel quite bad because no one thanks for my effort.(it was really not easy to invite TV to visit and make them report for "Night Market2006"…Since some journalists didn’t even know what“MIT”is , no mention about what’s “Iteraction design”..etc. when I and my agency reached them in the beginning ,and many of them replied very directly that they won’t have enough journalists on Sunday especially for art ,design…those events.
Because I knew TVnews is so important for achieving the success and it will help a lot for next Night-market 2007’s foundering…that’s why I did told my agency and friends that they have to try their best to allure TV to attend NightMarket 2006…And I did have no less than 100 phone calls just for develping their attending )... TVnews are not professional magazines , professionalism is not enough for their interest.. that’s why in the end the agency had to use my name to catch them …
But I feel much worse if any one of U feels disappointed or people misunderstood the situation on 6/18.... The TVnews going like that is really beyond my control...i still don't have enough experience on that, but i'll be very careful and try to rask for checking their report before they send it next time (even as i know it's almost impossible to ask TVnews to report by our way ,or to be supervised by us ) .....
Most Sincerely, Fanny
Hi Fanny,
thanks for your response and it is obvious that you have done many things for the workshop that has been neglected. I think it's the problem of mass media in Taiwan, full of fake reports and unverified gossips. However, as you have mentioned, the good news is that nightmarket 2006 has been prompted to the TV news level. I hope one day people in Taiwan can know more about interaction design.
To All:
相信所有在場的貴賓,講師們,還有參與的學員都能感受到Nightmarket 2006工作坊的活力.
這次的夜市2006從四月底開始籌備,不到兩個月的時間,從ohno和我在某次的MSN中決定要辦,然後開始四處求援,到上週末完美的結束. 聽到貴賓,講師與學員們的感言,真的感觸良多也感動萬分.
再一次誠摯地感謝整個工作坊中,熱心幫忙的朋友與家人們. 謝謝你們的全力支持,工作坊才能如此順暢進行,完美結束.
To Fanny:
李佳勳 Jackie Lee
Nightmarket 2006 Organizer
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