

"Interaction Design for Community Empowerment"?!

這個題目真是夠聳動的. 當看到這個標題, 我簡直是太興奮了! ...這不正是兩個我所關注領域 (互動設計 + 社區營造) 的交媾嗎?

這是在 IxDA (Interaction Design Association) 首屆年度研討會 interaction 08 中, 由在 Georgia Tech 傳播學門任教的助理教授 Carl DiSalvo 所給的一個 talk. 在這個 talk 中, DiSalvo 教授以 Neighborhood Networks 這個案子為例, 說明互動設計可以如何對社區培力有所幫助.

當然, DiSalvo 提供的, 如以一些互動小裝置輔助田野觀察/紀錄, 或是參與式設計等方式, 只是互動設計切入社區營造的其中幾種角度而已. 這個 talk 令我興奮之處, 在於發現原來 "社區營造互動設計" 這個領域已有學者在默默耕耘. 其實, 互動設計和社區營造, 雖分屬不同學門, 基點也不太一樣, 卻都是關乎人群, 人性, 以及草根/社會的可能性. 將來這兩個領域一定會迸發出更多火花與成果. (這似乎一切都安排好了啊 ^^")


At 5/16/2008 12:38:00 上午, Blogger Lex said...

Sorry, I have to reply in English and I am gonna write a lot to share some(?) of my thoughts to you XD

I have been thinking, perhaps, the only few fields that could truly convince myself to continue to be a designer are putting effort on the followings by '(interaction) design': (or I'd rather be a bookseller :-P )

1. Medical Concerns: especially including Special Children, ex Autism

2. Social Concerns: like what you have been taking care of, like the BR couple suno and I met in DPPI07, that said, work for people who have or under any form of social issues, we shall discuss this more later on..

3. Sustainable Concerns: perhaps in a macro scale, but actually I think in this way, I'd rather live as an artistic designer, at least I produce messages by my works and not polluting Earth by mass-produced products XD

Well, what I am trying to say is, since interaction design often requires a lot helps from sociology, anthropology, ethnography and even contribute back to them. Plus, today, living in this overwhelmingly commercialized and materialized world is actually demanding us(designers) to be more responsible to what we are doing, even most of the time, taking care of things overseas.

However, as said in the beginning...I PERSONALLY already am and actually really sick of designing for 'consumer' reasons...no matter how 'interesting & surprising' an interaction is done, when it can not move something. let's say, society forward, it means nothing to me. Alright, I don't want to get you drowning in the 'greater good', but we can really do something a bit and a bit based on this, don't you think so? It doesn't even need to be a NGO if there is a design company doing things like this...

Maybe it's also because of I had some experience 'serving' for local community and NGO kind of thing and I felt that's not enough but it's the only way a designer can truly 'touches' his/her 'client' and taking care of.

Sorry, really a lot of bla-bla and I might get too emotional but it's really a nice topic to think and act for. Let's leave 'OH! What an interesting design' out, take "Thank you" in...by emerging interactive technology, modern design approach...and for sure, earning money XD

At 5/19/2008 08:56:00 下午, Blogger daniel said...

dear lex,

i understand what you've been trying to say and, i totally support you of being a "humane", or say "bliss"(?) designer.

As you have mentioned above, i believe that there's an emerging field that is composed of societal and ethical aspects which are fundamental to us as human beings. and i would like to have some more in-depth exchange concerning the issues with you.

when will u be in taiwan?



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